Testing Resources

Please find below useful resources focused on the development of BACnet products for BACnet developers and manufacturers. These lists are provided as a convenience only. They represent a sampling of available resources and are not intended to be complete. No recommendation, endorsement or any form of warranty is implied or provided by BTL or BACnet International for any of the items in these lists.

The BTL provides this list of available tools solely as a resource to the BACnet community. They consist of various test frameworks, BACnet Client Software, BACnet Protocol Analyzers, BACnet Device Simulators, General Tools and more. Please click here to further explore.

To improve interoperability, the BTL Implementation Guidelines document presents options and capabilities as recommended guidelines for all BACnet implementers. It also presents guidelines to avoid mistakes made in the past by new BACnet implementers.

  • BTL Test Standard

The newest BACnet Test Standard 135.1 “Method of Test for Conformance to BACnet” can be ordered directly from the ASHRAE Bookstore. For more detailed information, please see the Standard’s website.

  • BRITE – BACnet Remote Interoperability Test Environment

BRITE provides a confidential, supplier-independent environment for remote interoperability testing of BACnet devices. The focus of BRITE is BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet/SC) product interoperability testing, and it utilizes BACnet/SC to achieve secure connections over the Internet. This allows cooperating suppliers to evaluate the interoperability of their BACnet devices without physical co-location.  

BRITE is built around a collection of cloud based BACnet/SC hubs along with interoperability support and diagnostic tools. Test sessions typically involve two suppliers and are arranged through BACnet International. Each session is private, only allowing access to the specific suppliers participating in that test session.

Note: The BRITE program is not a substitute for the PlugFest Interoperability Event which provides invaluable in-person testing, face-to-face conversations, and educational and networking opportunities.

  • The BACnet Institute (TBI) Community Forum

The TBI Community Forum provides an opportunity for BACnet system developers to openly discuss current BACnet-related topics. This forum allows users to submit new discussions, reply to discussions, as well as receive updates of peer posts through email subscriptions. Past discussions submitted through the Cornell University BACnet-L email list server have also been captured in this forum, providing more visibility and added functionality to these discussions.

This forum is not intended for commercial purposes.

For current TBI users: Log in here.  Once logged in you will be taken directly to the forum.

For new TBI users: Although access to TBI is free, registration is required. Please select the ‘Sign Up Now’ link on the login page.  Following initial set up and login, select the ‘Community’ tab on the home page.

  • BACnet-L (email list server)

BACnet-L is an e-mail list server located at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. It is an open list and is intended to provide a communications vehicle for those wishing to discuss BACnet. All BACnet Committee (SSPC) members are subscribers to the list, along with more than 300 other interested persons.

The only restriction is that the list must not be used for commercial purposes, such as advertising. Please note that past posts submitted through BACnet-L have been captured and moved to the TBI Community Forum.
