BTL Certificate Renewal

BTL Certificates expire on March 31st following the five-year anniversary of the completion of BTL testing as documented in the final test report upon which the certification is based.

You can renew a BTL Certificate if:

  • There is an existing BTL Certificate (even if expired).
  • The associated BTL Listing has not expired.
  • Nothing has been changed in the product (other than minor bug fixes)

If a manufacturer wishes to renew a BTL Certificate, regression testing may be required. Even if there have been no changes to the product, there may be testing required. However, the testing will be much less that your original testing.

Certificate Renewal Testing will use the current BTL Test Package. If the product qualifies for BTL Certificate Renewal Testing, the minimum Protocol_Revision requirement does not apply.

Rules concerning whether and what retesting is required:

  • Changes to the Product: If there have been any changes to the product, including within the non-BACnet functionality, the product must be re-tested.
  • Change to the Test Package: If there have been any substantive changes to the BTL Test Plan which impact the tests that apply to the product, then the product must be re-tested. Substantive changes in the test package include:
    • Tests in the current test package for the product’s functionality but which were not previously applied to the product;
    • Tests in the current test package for the product’s functionality which were previously applied to the product, but which have subsequently undergone substantive changes in the test.

    To apply for BTL Certificate Renewal Testing:

    • Complete and submit a BTL Certificate Renewal Attestation to BTL. (send it to
      BTL will determine if your product is eligible for certificate renewal. You will receive a countersigned attestation when eligible.
    • Submit your BTL Certificate Renewal Attestation (signed by BTL) and a current BTL Checklist to the RBTO of your choice. (Note: complete the BTL Checklist carefully. Some selectable items have changed since the original last testing.)

    The Recognized BACnet Testing Organization (RBTO) will provide you with an estimate of testing time and cost. They will also provide you with the process to test at their facility.

    If this Certificate Renewal is for a product you have rebranded from the original manufacturer, then testing is the responsibility of the manufacturer. The rebranding vendor will apply for certificate renewal once the manufacturer’s certificate has been renewed.


    More information on certificate renewal can be found in the BTL Testing Policies document on the Test Documentation page.

    For other questions concerning BTL Certifications, please contact Emily Hayes, BTL manager.
